Hello everyone, sorry about the delay in this news posting. Unfortunately, I was in a minor accident which resulted in a broken hand; typing is tough. We want to provide you all with some brief information on what you can expect in season 5.
New Changes & Content
- Combining Soul Charms
- Additional Sharp Feather Locations
- Potion NPC's in V3 & V4
- Automated Random Weekly Fubb Events
- Hau as 300 zone, not 350.
- Instance Loot Crates (Provide users with chance to receive rare items)
- Soccer Event Changes
- Pouching Rebirth Gems
- More Unique Pets
- More 300-350 areas & PvP events.
- New eonic games launcher
- Multi-Language translations for the server (Players interested in having their language supported will need to contact us when the time comes)
- Please note we aren't listing everything that is being added, only what we think will not effect current gameplay/economy.
We expect Season 5 to start on May 1st providing everything goes well with the new launcher.