The servers will be going offline today, March 24, at approximately 8:20 PM ET for 15-20 minutes to apply the following patches:
General Changes
- To prevent players from capturing their own islands using alternate accounts or characters, Guardians can no longer be damaged by the IP address of the player who last captured the island or turf.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused players to lose fame after killing members of an enemy tribe (tribes they are at war with).
- Beryllium Gem Pouches and Beryllium Choice Gem Pouches now align properly with other pouches.
- Aquamarine Gems from the Purified Orb Merchant now cost 25 Purified Orbs (previously 70).
- Reforged stats now display their increased upgrade rates based on your reforging level.
- To discourage harassment and player-killing (PKing) in fame-based channels or areas, we've made the following changes:
- Red-named players now face up to a 50% drop rate reduction.
- Red-named players now face up to a 50% resource rate reduction.
- Blue-named players now receive up to a 5% drop rate increase.
- Blue-named players now receive up to a 5% resource rate increase.
- +17 level 14 weapons now glow pink to better differentiate them from +19 weapons (both previously glowed different shades of red).
- All monsters on Bracket Islands, Tornado Turf, and Ghost Castle Turf have had their AP and absolute damage reduced by an additional 5%.
- Tornado Turf now rewards 1-2 Turf Tokens (previously only 1).
- Red Mages, Blue Mages, and Archers now receive a 5% movement speed reduction while their weapons are unsheathed, instead of 2%. Blade Warriors and Fist Warriors still receive a 2% reduction.
- Players can now cancel their Transformation, by right-clicking the buff icon.
- Buff icon borders now color-code as follows:
- Red for debuffs
- Blue for buffs
- Purple for cancellable buffs
- The Instances Guide on the website now includes details on level 14 equipment.
- Added a "Suggestion" topic for support tickets.