Lunar Event
The Lunar Event is now over, we hope everyone enjoyed this years event!
Season 3 Preview
The following updates are only some of what is being released with Season 3. We have purposefully omitted various changes/updates because of how they might affect the current game. We will provide additional updates and more detailed information on some of the below-mentioned updates on or before February 27, 2025.
General Changes
- Fixed an issue that caused store prices to dissappear when you press Alt while viewing an item in a store.
- All monsters in Delphiroth Floor 5 now have a chance to drop Clonium Liquid (bosses have a higher chance with higher amounts).
Lobby Changes
- Players can now change the order of their characters while in the lobby by selecting the character and clicking the new up/down arrows in the character buttons.
- Players can now create up to 10 characters per account (previously 5).
- We've made changes to the Character Select interface so that players can now scroll through their created characters.
- The last logged into character is now automatically selected for display in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue while creating characters that caused existing characters to be selected if you double clicked where the character buttons would be (even though they were not visible).
- Fixed an issue where players would enter the game if they clicked a character twice (no matter how much time between clicks had passed).
Production Skills
- The Production Interface now dynamically adjusts the resource cost based on the quantity entered.
- If you input a quantity in the Production Interface exceeding your available resources, the interface will automatically update it to the maximum craftable amount.
- Blacksmithing
- We've reduced the required Blacksmithing levels of most Blacksmithing recipes.
- Gem Crafting
- The refined material costs for each gem have been greatly reduced.
- The Sephiroth & Sephiroth Choice gems now appear as the same level in the production interface.
- Players may now craft Clonium & Clonium Choice Gems.
New Quest Lines
- Players can start the new "Dark Lands" quest line by speaking to Mote in Vylock, it includes 14 quests and is intended for levels 201-221 (with some variation depending on your experience rate).
- Players can start the new "The Purification" quest line by speaking to Seiji in the Tainted Lands of East Ladianes, it includes 7 quests and is intended for levels 221-230 (with some variation depending on your experience rate).
- Damage, defense, experience rates, and drops for all monsters involved in these two quest line have been adjusted.
- Unlike the level 1-201 quest lines, players will be required to complete the full quest line in order if they want to complete a specific quest. This means you will not be able to start Part 14 unless you have completed Part 13 (and subsequently Parts 1-12).
- We've made changes to the game so players will now be able to see changes with NPCs (such as the Tree of Life in the Tainted Lands) depending on their completed quests.
Upgrade Rates
- After much consideration, we've decided to allow players to easily view the base upgrade rates of item stats. We came to this decision based on several different discussions & suggestions on our Discord regarding the topic.
- Pressing and holding the "Alt" key while hovering over an item will display each stats upgrade rate next to the stat.
- Items that have stats will show the message "Hold Alt for more info..." at the bottom of the items info box.
Delphiroth Choice Gem
- Delphiroth Choice Gems have been changed so that when they remove a stat from an item, the removed stat will no longer be able to be added to the item again for 24 hours or until every other possible stat has either been added or removed.
- This means that if you remove a stat, you wont immidiately get it back when you try to add a new stat.
Island Monster Damage
- Based on player feedback/discussions we've further reduced the difficulty of monster groups in lower level Islands/Turfs.
- Some islands have also received an increase in monster populations (more groups monster groups, in less populated areas).
- During Season 3 (most likely near the end of it), we will be designing a way to combine earring stat levels.
- Players will now be able to add a second stat to earrings through the use of a new gem, the Celestine Gem.
- We've also added the following 3 gems to the game:
- Fantastic Aquamrine Gem - Upgrades a stat on an earring by 1, and ignores earring upgrade cooldowns.
- Fantastic Aquamrine Gem - Upgrades a stat on an earring by 3, and ignores earring upgrade cooldowns.
- Fantastic Aquamrine Gem - Upgrades a stat on an earring by 5, and ignores earring upgrade cooldowns.
Honor Badges
- Players will now be rewarded with Honor Badges when they participate in various different kinds of events (Civil War, Nation War, Hau, and Soccer).
- These new badges will be automatically stored in your Collectable Resources interface.
- Honor Badges can be used to purchase unique and valuable items, such as the new Celestine Gem, Fantastic Aquamrine Gems, and Supreme Gems.
- Players can earn these new badges either by PKing players during the above mentioned events or causing monster damage.
- Each event has different rules around how many badges a player can earn from either method and how much damage or kills are required per badge. For example, the Nation War will allow players to earn a maximum of:
- 5 Honor Badges from player kills, where you earn 1 badge for every 5 unique player kills (kills that reward you with PK Points).
- 5 Honor Badges from monster damage, where you earn 1 badge for every 18,000,000 damage done to monsters.
- We will be developing more content around this system (such as by using the Coliseum), but we unfortunately ran out of time for Season 3. It will be expanded through the Coliseum either between seasons or next season and will posibly include other events.
Delphiroth Floor 6
- At level 300, players may now enter Delphiroth Floor 6 by using the doorway in Delphiroth Floor 5 or by using a Delphiroth Floor 6 Scroll.
- Beware Delphiroth Floor 6 is engulfed in poisonous gases. Players must consume Anti-Toxin Pills to avoid taking 2000 environmental damage every second.
- Players can now purchase x25 Delphiroth Floor 6 Scrolls for 25 TC at the Turf Shop.
- All monsters on this floor of Delphiroth have been scaled up in terms of difficulty and experience based on Delphiroth Floor 5.
- We will provide more information regarding drops the day before Season 3 starts.