General Changes
- Hau Island now has a 1-hour cooldown for entering the island with other characters. This means you cannot enter on one character and then switch to an alternate character and re-enter Hau. This was done to prevent players from going on alternate characters on the opposite nation to PK players.
- Fixed an issue that caused players level 120-159 to not receive experience from instance monsters.
- The character select screen now shows the tribe each character is in.
- Fixed an issue that allowed users to benefit from certain weapon effects even though the weapon could not be used (but was equipped).
Balance Changes
- Please note that these changes are subject to change based on player feedback (as per most balance changes).
- Blade Warriors
- Health gains from 1-650 vitality have been reduced to 7.7 (previously 8) health per strength, resulting in a potential base HP decrease of up to 195.
- Health gains from strength have been reduced to 0.6 (previously 0.9) health per strength, potentially reducing your base HP by approximately 459.
- Health gains from character levels have been reduced to 8 (previously 9) health per level, potentially reducing your base HP by 300-350, depending on your server/level.
- Blade Warriors now gain 1.15 AP between 0-700 Strength and 0.9 AP for every strength point afterward (previously always 1.15).
- Fist Warriors
- Fist Warriors now gain 1.15 AP between 0-1000 Strength and 0.9 AP for every strength point afterward (previously always 0.7).
- The Clonium Protector has had its base block rate increased by 5% (previously 31%, now 36%), and all other protectors in the game will have their block rate adjusted based on this change.
- The Hyperion's Blessing buff (from the Hyperion Set) now increases dodge rate by 15% (previously 10%) and continues to increase move speed by 15% and critical rate by 28% (these two values remain unchanged).
Season Characters & Channels
We have started development on the Season Channels and the different functionality relating to them. For those of you who are unsure what Season Channels are, we have made a separate news article ( that goes into some detail describing them. After today's update, players will notice a few minor changes on the client that have already been developed in preparation for the release of the season channels. However, these features have been disabled until seasons are released. The changes we are referring to are:
- Changing the character creation screen layout, so it fits a season character button.
- Adding tooltip functionality to the character creation screen (only used by the season character type button).
- Displaying the season icon next to already made characters that are considered season characters.
- Displaying an additional icon next to all season characters' names while in the game.

September 11 Patch Notes
- General Changes
We've adjusted the localization of the help menu to incorporate the new balance changes for blades/fists.
Balance Changes
- Please note that these changes are subject to modification based on player feedback (as is often the case with most balance changes).
- Blade Warriors
- We have reverted the health changes from yesterday's update. Now blades gain 8 health per vitality, 0.9 health per strength, and 9 health per level.
- Ultra Endure has been adjusted so that at level 10 it grants 25% health (previously 30%).
- Blade Warriors now gain 1.15 AP between 0-700 strength (previously 1.1) and 1.05 AP for 701+ strength (previously 0.9).
- Fist Warriors
- Fist Warriors now gain 0.95 AP between 0-1000 Strength (previously 1) and 0.85 AP for 1001+ strength (previously 0.9).