Attention, Turf Battles warriors! The wait is over—Season 3 has officially arrived, bringing a wave of thrilling new challenges, epic rewards, and fierce competition.
The cosmetic interface has been completely revamped, weapons are now visible while transformed and wearing a costume, numerous player-reported issues have been resolved, and the scrolling system has undergone a significant overhaul.
We've added some debugging for an issue that happens once and awhile on Channel 3, and transformation weapons now appear while transformed AND in costume.
It's that spooky time of year again, and Turf Battles is ready to celebrate! Find out what spooky activities you can get into from now until November 8th!
We'll be resubmitting the game for approval on Steam on September 30th. We've also made some general changes, fixed various bugs, and made some balance changes.
Over the past 10 days, we've been focused on optimizing how player locations update on your screen, especially during jumps. We've developed 3 approaches to "fix" the problem, and will be releasing 1 of them today.
Attention, Turf Battles warriors! The wait is over—Season 2 has officially arrived, bringing a wave of thrilling new challenges, epic rewards, and fierce competition.
Tomorrow morning, August 2, 2024, at 7:30 AM ET, we will be shutting the servers down to apply updates for Season 2. The servers will be back online at 9:00 AM ET.
This update includes various general changes and bug fixes, a new window to notify players of prohibited 3rd party software, and a wide range of changes to various back-end systems in preparation for Steam/Season 2.
Unfortunately, the time has finally come to say goodbye to Season 1. We would like to thank everyone for playing, and I hope everyone enjoyed the very first season channels!
We've been working hard on changes to the instance, party, and drop system to provide everyone with a more rewarding and user-friendly way to play together (based on player feedback & suggestions).
Hello everyone, as per the results of our official Discord poll, we have decided to extend the duration of Season 1 by 30 days. Season 1 will now end on April 18, 2024.
We've reworked the defenses of Island Monsters so they are class specific. Players should now deal roughly equal damage across all classes and kill monsters in roughly the same time frames.
Today we are restarting the servers to apply the next phase of the Island/Turf rework (Pet Island & Catastropha Island), both servers will be offline for about 30-40 mins while we apply the changes detailed in today's patch notes.
Today we are restarting the servers to apply the next phase of the Island/Turf rework, both servers will be offline for about 30-40 mins while we apply the changes detailed in today's patch notes.
Today we will be restarting the Triumphus Server after the nation war completes. Once the Triumphus Server is back online, we will announce the Mystic Server restart.
Today is the day! We're finally officially releasing the new client! We will be shutting down the live servers at 4:10PM ET to begin the update process.
We are now ready for the last phase of the beta, phase 3. We have prepared the following FAQ regarding phase 3 based on player questions and feedback regarding phase 3 in the past.
Getting into Turf Battles has never been as easy as with the Eonic Games Launcher. Download and install the launcher to easily download, install, manage, and launch your game client now!
We've been busy fixing small bugs and/or issues before the beta! In this video we talk about these fixes, show off the red sword icon when targeting players in PvP, and discuss how the beta will work!
In this video we show off the Trading System, Help System, the new Nation Registration system, discuss what is left to do before the beta, and provide an estimated beta release timeline.
Need more skills? We've got you covered, checkout the re-implementation of the Masters/Transformation skills and become acquainted with the Apprentice Skills!
Based on player feedback, we decided to go a little old school and release this update (and some futures ones) in a video format (like we did when Turf Battles started out on Indiegogo).
Over the past few months, we have been working around the clock to push multiple new projects into fruition, as well as maintaining and upgrading our existing servers/services.
We are happy to announce that we are ready to move forward with an official test server release date for the new level 13 equipment and content revolving around this new equipment.
Today we will be applying all the updates that were added to the test server a day ago. In addition, the following changes will also be added based on the assigned server.
We are updating the Test Server today with quite a few changes. Most notably, we are releasing a new system that we are really excited to introduce to you all!
Today we are pushing some of the changes that were being tested on the Test Server to the Triumphus Server. Depending on our progress, we will also be restarting the Mystic Server later today with the changes listed in the "All Servers" section.
Hello everyone, we are updating both the Triumphus and Test Server. Both servers will take roughly 10-15 minutes to update, we will update this article once the servers are back online.
After a lot of effort, hard work, and patience we are finally updating the Triumphus Server with the latest changes from both the Mystic Server and the Test Server.
With the wide range of balance changes that are shared amongst the Triumphus & Mystic Server, Eonic weapons have grown to be undesirable once you reach 201+ on the Triumphus server. This is due to their lack of scaling against level 12 items.
Many of you have voiced that you would like to see changes available on a public test server prior to them being released on the Triumphus and/or Mystic Server. Well, we listened and we are releasing the Test Server!
Hello everyone, we have a small patch/update ready for you all today. The patch revolves around various complaints that users expressed about the last update (primarily around the balance changes).
In today's update we not only list the updates that were released in the Mystic Server patch notes, but also discuss some of the content that will be worked on in for the following few updates.
The server has been patched today, there are many changes and tweaks to the current system which include some lag fixes and some Quality of Life updates.
Two new levelling areas were added for solo and duo players.
The area around the Tornado Turf has been fixed. And the Shuy Zombie Trees are now back!
Threat multipliers were added to certain G11 weapons and increased on certain Eonic Weapons.
We have made some changes to the backend to reduce/remove lag, we believe we've been able to get close to the root of the problem. As well as add new levelling areas for levels 70-100 and 200-254.
This patch part-reverted the decrease in the cost of transferring between different types of materials. As well as added some more debugging to identify the cause of the lag currently being experienced.
AoEs have now been fixed for monsters with locations which are slightly underground. There have also been EXP boosts for V1 and V2 and Rock Island as well as some quality of life changes for crafters.
Turf Battles Mystic Server Official Launch and Patch Notes
The Turf Battles Mystic server has officially launched! Play a server that gives you a worthwhile progression without Pay to Win power enhancing elements!
We've just launched the last update to the Mystic Test Server (assuming there are no major issues). Outline below is a list of all the changes that comes with this update.
We have introduced two major changes to the way EXP works in the hopes of balancing EXP distribution among classes at early levels and also to promote active party participation.
We hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas and new years. We are nearing a the completion of the Mystic Server and would like your opinion on the best release date for the majority of the players.
We've spent a quite a bit of time looking through some of the more popular feedback topics that we've received from players. Based on that feedback we've made changes to each class and various game mechanics.
We experienced a temporary issue with warehouses during our last system update. Everything should be fixed now, but if you're missing warehouse items let us know!
In order to provide everyone with a fairer and well balanced PvP/ PvE experience during nation based content, we have changed how nations are selected.
The holidays are now over, Santa is leaving Turf Battles. Will he return next year? Most definitely! We've got a few bug fixes, changes, & updates coming your way too!
Previously, we would only ban a person from the server they committed a violation on, unless the violation was grave enough to warrant a ban on all servers. Now if you are banned you will be banned on all servers.
We've just finished putting the servers back online. Today's update was designed to target some of the key elements we've received complaints about since Season Started (one of them we've received complaints about for awhile).
Season 1 of Turf Battles is almost over! Find out what will happen to your characters, the season server, and all the contests we will be giving rewards out for in this detailed post!
Season Servers have come to Turf Battles, but that's not all! Learn more about all the new updates and goodies coming to Turf Battles on June 12 by reading the full news article!